Jelly Pairings

Notice: These pairing are the stuff we like to eat. If you are vegan, pailo, keto, gluten free and lactose intolerant. Then pair it with other stuff. Maybe you want fake cheese and cardboard if you live in Austin. We are sure the jelly would make that taste better.

The Texas Traditional: A ritz cracker with a smear of cream cheese and a dollop of jelly.

The Fancy Texan: A triscuit with a wedge of brie and a dollop of jelly.

The Sharp Shooter: A wheat thin with a hunk of extra sharp cheddar and a dollop of jelly.

The Gouda Goodness: A water cracker with a hunk of aged gouda and a dollop of jelly.

Icy Hot: A bowl of high quality vanilla bean ice cream with a tablespoon of jelly on top.

PBDJ: Honey whole wheat bread with a generous coating of peanut butter and Datil Jelly.

The Spicy Swede: A nut-thin with a sliver of Brunost cheese and a teaspoon of jelly.

We have found that Datil Jelly goes with just about anything. Make sure to email us your pairings at for a shout out in our newsletter and for it to be added to our pairings page with credit to you.