What is a Fire Circle and why did we chose that name?

What is a Fire Circle?

 As men in Recovery we value the process of group accountability. We believe that accountability is the highest form of compassion. During our early recovery we all experienced a group format called Fire Circle. This is when a person sits in the center of a circle surrounded by his or her peers. The person in the center of the circle is then given raw and unfiltered feedback on their behavior and how it affects those around them. The feedback is given from a place of love, however nothing is held back. For many of us this is the first time we are confronted with our character defects and how those defects hurt those around us. This process is emotional and taxing, but we walk away with a clear picture of who we are. Not who we think we are or how we believe we present to the world, but how we actually show up in the world. We believe this group process has and will continue to be one of the most beneficial tools of those in early recovery. In fact we continue to use this process in our recovery today.

Why did we name our farm Fire Circle Farms?

Well our peppers are spicy as hell so we knew we needed a name that described that. We also wanted a name that spoke to who we were and to our mission. It took us all of 5 minutes to land on Fire Circle Farms. As mentioned above, we love the process of fire circle so it checked all the boxes, speaks to who we are, speaks to our mission, lets you know our product is spicy. In 2015 Fire Circle Farms was born.


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